Vision and Mission


Protecting patients through global partnerships in the innovation and safe supply of pharmaceutical excipients.


To develop, implement, and promote voluntary, harmonised guidance and other programs designed to ensure that pharmaceutical excipients used in drug products meet the appropriate standards for quality, safety, and functionality throughout their development, manufacturing and distribution processes.

To assist regulatory bodies to adopt scientifically suitable, risk-based and valid global regulatory standards for pharmaceutical excipients and their supply chains including:

  • Harmonised pharmacopoeias and standards
  • Safety evaluation criteria
  • National and regional approval procedures

To assist, educate, and through cooperation with other industry organisations and scientific bodies work to advance public health on matters relating to the development, manufacture, use, distribution, and functionality of excipients. Such efforts may include collaboration with industries supplying materials used as pharmaceutical excipients but also as ingredients in other consumer products.

To have IPEC recognised as a professional, credible, and reliable source of information relating to pharmaceutical excipients, and to maintain the reputations of the individual IPECs.

To establish IPEC (and its individual organisations) as the leading international organisation that develops and recommends appropriate and valid voluntary manufacturing, distribution and safety standards for excipient suppliers and companies that use excipients in finished pharmaceutical dosage forms.